Well then. I already missed a day of my "I'm going to blog everyday"! *L* I was otherwise occupied in the craftroom. I made myself a denim mini-skirt out of a pair of jeans that I've never worn....I LOVE it!! I haven't worn a mini skirt since I was in high school, and that was quite some time ago, let me tell you. *L*
I worked on my 40's-ish overalls....they were an epic failure. Despite measuring the crotch was too short so it ... um....rode up?? *L* It was soooo not flattering! However, I am determined to make a pair of overalls that I can wear...so I will use the disaster as a learning experience and I will measure twice this time. Fortunately I have a lot of this beige material. The silhouette of the overalls looks good, so I'm happy with they idea of the pattern I made...just needs some modifications.
Big Apple Red |
I did manage to make an appointment for a haircut. Can't get in until December 21. The girl who cuts my hair is great and always always booked for weeks. But it's worth the wait. I also managed to get a few Christmas presents sewn AND I managed to give myself a fresh new manicure!!
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