Yup....I'm still here...I'm still alive! It would seem that my blog has gone from talking about sewing and recon-ing old clothes to how the hell I'm surviving after a bout with meningitis and encephalitis.
Sooo.....in review *L* I got sick the 3rd of February of this year. I had to take two months off....February and March because I was on house arrest. I went back to work, barely, at the beginning of April....I struggled through April, May, and June. I am now on a leave of absence until I feel like I can go back to work and be able to work all day every day. We're thinking maybe September?
Now here is the part where I get to rave about my boss. I work for a lawyer who works as a public defender for the county. He also happens to be my step-dad. He has been awesome....amazing.....supportive.....understanding. I know that I have the fact that I work for family on my side. If I worked anywhere else I would have been let go quite some time ago. He has put up with my need for a whole lot of sleep...with my lack of ability to recall words or how to do my job....my need for far too much medication......my need to call in at a moments notice because I have a migraine AGAIN! Mike (the boss/step-dad) has said that my job will there when I am ready to come back! My mom has also been awesome. She's been understanding....supportive!! All up in my business mommy style! *L* She checks on me, fusses over me, laughs with me when I say crap that doesn't make any sense! AND....she has stepped into my job to cover until I am ready. Once again, thank goodness for family! They may drive me crazy from time to time, but they've got my back!!
On to my husband.....he is probably the most wonderful person I know.....he has put up with a whole lot of fall out lately. He loves me...no matter how crazy I get....he loves me! He has taken over most all of the running of the house and family...he pays the bills, he does the housework, he makes all the phone calls, picks up my medication, does all the driving (because I'm afraid to drive). He is the one steady thing in my whacked out head. He puts up with my napping, my crying, my yelling, my panic attacks, my headaches, my crazy talk....and he hugs me and tells me that this is just a very small part of our lives and that we will survive this...that we will get through this! I am so crazy in love with my husband!!
Then there are my kids....Man do I love my kids. They have been so incredibly understanding. They don't question when I disappear for yet another nap. They call and check on me....they fuss over me....they're always making sure I have my purse, my keys, my glasses.....they all calmly and silently wait for me to try and remember a word, a sentence, a story. They patiently tell me that I've already told them that story or asked them the same questions over and over again. I think we have raised some very amazing children to be some very amazing, compassionate, loving adults and almost adults!
So......that's where I am right at this moment!
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
I am still alive...
Oh yes...have no fear....I am still alive. I have a whole stack of projects that I have finished up and I'm dying to share. I have the pictures, I'm just too tired tonight to upload them.
Quick update on my health. .I have a neurologist....whoo hoo!! February 3 of this year I was in the hospital for 9 days with viral meningitis where I also developed encephalitis (brain swelling). Ok....So, yesterday was the 4 month mark. For every single day of the last 4 months I have had a headache. Never changes, never goes away, always in the same place. Hence I have a neurologist. It would seem that the brain swelling switched on my migraine switch permanently....so I've been experiencing a steady, non-stop migraine...What the hell?
My doctor has been great....my neurologist has been great.....and my husband has been the absolute best!! He has taken over EVERYTHING around the house since I need a 2 hour nap after doing even the smallest thing! He's amazing and I love him like crazy! *L*
I just wanted to update really quickly...I have a ton of stuff to share with you guys....I made my daughter anime cosplay stuff for a convention, and I recently had a birthday. My husband threw me a USO dance...including a dance instructor! It was awesome!! I made myself a new dress out of a disaster of an ebay purchase. I have a ton of pictures....I will post the tomorrow....I promise.
Have a wonderful rest of the weekend!!
Quick update on my health. .I have a neurologist....whoo hoo!! February 3 of this year I was in the hospital for 9 days with viral meningitis where I also developed encephalitis (brain swelling). Ok....So, yesterday was the 4 month mark. For every single day of the last 4 months I have had a headache. Never changes, never goes away, always in the same place. Hence I have a neurologist. It would seem that the brain swelling switched on my migraine switch permanently....so I've been experiencing a steady, non-stop migraine...What the hell?
My doctor has been great....my neurologist has been great.....and my husband has been the absolute best!! He has taken over EVERYTHING around the house since I need a 2 hour nap after doing even the smallest thing! He's amazing and I love him like crazy! *L*
I just wanted to update really quickly...I have a ton of stuff to share with you guys....I made my daughter anime cosplay stuff for a convention, and I recently had a birthday. My husband threw me a USO dance...including a dance instructor! It was awesome!! I made myself a new dress out of a disaster of an ebay purchase. I have a ton of pictures....I will post the tomorrow....I promise.
Have a wonderful rest of the weekend!!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Just keep swimming...swimming...swimming....
Well, I'm still alive! That's a good thing. I still have a headache! That's a bad thing. I'm almost ready for the convention this weekend! That's a good thing! I absolutely adore my husband! Also a good thing! I have the best kids in the whole world! Yet another good thing!
I am going to see a neurologist next week to see if they can figure out what the problem is....Fingers crossed everyone :)
I'm sure there's sooo much more to say, but it's way past my bedtime. *L* I'm write more tomorrow.
Nighty night my friends!!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
two more weeks until conventionm time!!!! EEEEK
It's Saturday morning and my family is still asleep. It's when I love them all the most. *L* So, I'm sitting here in the quiet (the dog isn't even snoring *L*) contemplating....well....everything.
We leave for the anime convention on the 21st....just about two weeks. If my daughter were awake I could give you an exact day, hour, minute count. *L* She's only just a little excited. It's the thing she plans for and saves her babysitting money for all year long.
Today I will be sewing...and sewing....and sewing. I am almost finished with one of her costumes...just a few little tweaks. I cut out her second costume...just waiting on 10 hot pink zippers to arrive in the mail. My husbands coat is almost finished, just have to do some finishing touches and add lots and lots of buttons. And his vest is cut out, just needs to be put together.
My outfit is coming together....I just got the sexiest boots in the mail...knee high lace up jobs...I didn't think I would like them or find them comfortable, but got them because they went with the theme of my outfit! However, i am in love with them...so comfy and soft....I will post pictures when the outfit is done.
http://www.discountwomensdressshoes.com/servlet/StoreFront ( go here...they have amazing prices and ship fast....and they have some very vintage-esque shoes (that I will be ordering very soon *L*)
I got all the parts to finish my underbust corset, so I will try to get that mostly done this weekend as well. *L*
THEN....on top of all the stuff I'm working on for the convention, my daughter is in a play and brought home two of the costumes that are cut out but need to be sewed together...sure....no problem *L* I can do that!
I've recently been teaching her to sew...it's a good skill to have...and now the teacher/play director keeps giving her things to make because no one else in the class knows how to sew....*L* oops. I told her, welcome to your new hobby....you'll get hit up AAALLLL the time to just "whip something up". She says she doesn't mind! *L*
On a side note...let me leave you with a picture that sums up the new and not so improved me right now...
We leave for the anime convention on the 21st....just about two weeks. If my daughter were awake I could give you an exact day, hour, minute count. *L* She's only just a little excited. It's the thing she plans for and saves her babysitting money for all year long.
Today I will be sewing...and sewing....and sewing. I am almost finished with one of her costumes...just a few little tweaks. I cut out her second costume...just waiting on 10 hot pink zippers to arrive in the mail. My husbands coat is almost finished, just have to do some finishing touches and add lots and lots of buttons. And his vest is cut out, just needs to be put together.
My outfit is coming together....I just got the sexiest boots in the mail...knee high lace up jobs...I didn't think I would like them or find them comfortable, but got them because they went with the theme of my outfit! However, i am in love with them...so comfy and soft....I will post pictures when the outfit is done.
http://www.discountwomensdressshoes.com/servlet/StoreFront ( go here...they have amazing prices and ship fast....and they have some very vintage-esque shoes (that I will be ordering very soon *L*)
I got all the parts to finish my underbust corset, so I will try to get that mostly done this weekend as well. *L*
THEN....on top of all the stuff I'm working on for the convention, my daughter is in a play and brought home two of the costumes that are cut out but need to be sewed together...sure....no problem *L* I can do that!
I've recently been teaching her to sew...it's a good skill to have...and now the teacher/play director keeps giving her things to make because no one else in the class knows how to sew....*L* oops. I told her, welcome to your new hobby....you'll get hit up AAALLLL the time to just "whip something up". She says she doesn't mind! *L*
On a side note...let me leave you with a picture that sums up the new and not so improved me right now...
I complain, but I am grateful every day that I am alive!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Really? Seriously??
Well....I officially start back to work full-time ish next week. A nice regular schedule...finally. I have had quite a few set backs lately. The doctor put me on an anti-viral medication so I don't get sick again....sadly, the pills made me feel like crap! There are about 30 side effects to this medication and I had almost all but the vomiting. Whoo hoo....they took me off that and I have sworn to never ever take it again unless it's being delivered via IV in the hospital. Yucky stuff!
This little adventure started on February 2nd. Since they took me off the anti viral medication I feel better...all the side effects but one went away! What is this last effect, you ask? It's a headache. A bad, bad, BAD headache that makes me want to punch babies! I have had it every single day for the past two months. It never changes in intensity, in never changes location....it never changes! And I think it sucks a whole lot. Sooo...what does this mean for Trixie? I have to go see a Neurologist...I fear one of two things happening:
1. They tell me they can't find anything wrong with me and tell me to just suck it up, it must be all in my mind.
2. They find something terribly wrong...."sorry Trixie...that's a bad brain you got there...gonna have to tear it out and replace it!"
Silly and irrational, I know, but that's my fear. *L*
I have been sewing a little bit. We're going to a convention next month and I have a TON of things to finish up. I keep meaning to make myself a list so I can keep track...in case I haven't mentioned it, the meningitis and encephalitis did quite a little scramble of my memory....basically....can't remember crap!! *L* I take lots and lots of notes...Post its are my friends! I keep forgetting to make myself that list. HA!!
My husband somehow talked me into playing dungeons & dragons with him. He is a gamer....loves miniatures and dice...I sat down to watch him, our oldest son, and a friend play...and somehow, probably due to my brain damage, I ended up with a character. WHAT THE HELL?? I don't game!! I play the occasional video game (hubby bought me a Wii for mothers day so I could play Cooking Mama *L*) and I do play the occasional board game with the kids. But I don't play fantasy games! I don't play zombie games! And yet, I find that now I own my own set of pink glittery dice, and a handful of tiny little miniature people that need to be painted. I find myself saying things like, "honey, does my thunderwave only affect my target, or will it knock back my companions?" "honey, if I use my second wind to heal does that give me a +2 to my defense for the length of my turn". WHAT THE HELL?? I'm gaming!! *sigh* I must love my husband very very much *L*
So, here is one of the tiny tiny little miniatures I'm painting:
This little adventure started on February 2nd. Since they took me off the anti viral medication I feel better...all the side effects but one went away! What is this last effect, you ask? It's a headache. A bad, bad, BAD headache that makes me want to punch babies! I have had it every single day for the past two months. It never changes in intensity, in never changes location....it never changes! And I think it sucks a whole lot. Sooo...what does this mean for Trixie? I have to go see a Neurologist...I fear one of two things happening:
1. They tell me they can't find anything wrong with me and tell me to just suck it up, it must be all in my mind.
2. They find something terribly wrong...."sorry Trixie...that's a bad brain you got there...gonna have to tear it out and replace it!"
Silly and irrational, I know, but that's my fear. *L*
I have been sewing a little bit. We're going to a convention next month and I have a TON of things to finish up. I keep meaning to make myself a list so I can keep track...in case I haven't mentioned it, the meningitis and encephalitis did quite a little scramble of my memory....basically....can't remember crap!! *L* I take lots and lots of notes...Post its are my friends! I keep forgetting to make myself that list. HA!!
My husband somehow talked me into playing dungeons & dragons with him. He is a gamer....loves miniatures and dice...I sat down to watch him, our oldest son, and a friend play...and somehow, probably due to my brain damage, I ended up with a character. WHAT THE HELL?? I don't game!! I play the occasional video game (hubby bought me a Wii for mothers day so I could play Cooking Mama *L*) and I do play the occasional board game with the kids. But I don't play fantasy games! I don't play zombie games! And yet, I find that now I own my own set of pink glittery dice, and a handful of tiny little miniature people that need to be painted. I find myself saying things like, "honey, does my thunderwave only affect my target, or will it knock back my companions?" "honey, if I use my second wind to heal does that give me a +2 to my defense for the length of my turn". WHAT THE HELL?? I'm gaming!! *sigh* I must love my husband very very much *L*
So, here is one of the tiny tiny little miniatures I'm painting:
Can't figure out how to rotate this picture. *L*
And what have I been sewing, you ask? Well, let me show you:
My crazed steampunk-ish bustle skirt!! Yeah...can't rotate this picture either! |
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Fingers crossed that it's all smooth sailing....
Oh yes...been gone for a while now. I survived my 9 days in the hospital and my two weeks on home iv infusions. I started back to work two whole hours a day on the first of march. I made it through the first two weeks then *BAM*....My husband's dad passed away on March 14. Took another week off work to help my husband and my mother-in-law. Started back to work this monday for 5 whole hours a day....then Monday night....*BAM*...major freakout, depression, insomnia. Off to the doctor we go. It would seem that the anti-viral suppressive medication makes me sick...gives me a headache....won't let me sleep.....makes me depressed....makes me anxious....makes me jittery......makes my legs move AAALLL night long....makes my joints ache. WHAT THE HELL?? I have been taken off that medication....I still have a bit of a headache, but I think I'm on the road to recovery....FINALLY!!
I've started sewing over the last few days. I have lots of things that have sat in my craft room all neglected and stuff....I will post pictures of these wonderful little projects soon.
But, for now, I'd like to leave you with a couple of things to cheer you up....
My dangerously bright spring manicure! |
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An awesome vintage ad!! |
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Uh...hello Spring?? Where are you?
-.7 pound
Yesterday morning there was no snow...this morning there was lots of snow! What the heck? I have been so excited for the weather to get nicer. I dug out all my gardening books, order a couple NEW gardening books, I've been looking at seed packets and planning my garden area....then this morning, icky miserable snow! BAH!!
I am finishing up my second day back to work...I will have worked a whole whopping 2 1/2 hours today! I can tell I need a nap already, but it's nice to be out of the house, out of bed, out of my PJs.
My memory is still a little dodgey....I forget things....it really is in one ear and right out the other. I can't recall simple little words. Yesterday's word was coaster. I have decided that when I can't recall a word I'm just going to insert the first word that comes to mind, so talking with me should be good times. *L* Monkey...Palomino....Raspberry....you get the idea!
My meds are still making me queasy. I have resorted to Pepto Bismol....which I absolutely despise. It tastes gross, the texture is gross, the smell is gross....however it does tone down the queasy stomach and "other" problems. So you know it's gotta be bad if I'm willing to pay money and ingest that disgusting stuff. I didn't eat nearly enough yesterday. A very dear friend of mine has started the same diet I'm on and she's so excited about it, it's gotten me all ramped up about it again. She's been blogging about what she's been eating for the day. I really think that's an excellent idea just for self-clarity. So, I'm a big copy cat and I'm gonna do it too. Bear with me....I know it can be boring. *L* Know, before I write this down, that I didn't eat enough food yesterday and that's saying something considering I'm supposed to be getting about 500 calories a day....so here goes:
5 mini pretzels
1 Liter bottle of Seltzer water
10 French Fries
Handful of mini pretzels on my way through the kitchen
tiny little steak
Calories: I have no idea *L*
Today will be better!
Yesterday morning there was no snow...this morning there was lots of snow! What the heck? I have been so excited for the weather to get nicer. I dug out all my gardening books, order a couple NEW gardening books, I've been looking at seed packets and planning my garden area....then this morning, icky miserable snow! BAH!!
I am finishing up my second day back to work...I will have worked a whole whopping 2 1/2 hours today! I can tell I need a nap already, but it's nice to be out of the house, out of bed, out of my PJs.
My memory is still a little dodgey....I forget things....it really is in one ear and right out the other. I can't recall simple little words. Yesterday's word was coaster. I have decided that when I can't recall a word I'm just going to insert the first word that comes to mind, so talking with me should be good times. *L* Monkey...Palomino....Raspberry....you get the idea!
My meds are still making me queasy. I have resorted to Pepto Bismol....which I absolutely despise. It tastes gross, the texture is gross, the smell is gross....however it does tone down the queasy stomach and "other" problems. So you know it's gotta be bad if I'm willing to pay money and ingest that disgusting stuff. I didn't eat nearly enough yesterday. A very dear friend of mine has started the same diet I'm on and she's so excited about it, it's gotten me all ramped up about it again. She's been blogging about what she's been eating for the day. I really think that's an excellent idea just for self-clarity. So, I'm a big copy cat and I'm gonna do it too. Bear with me....I know it can be boring. *L* Know, before I write this down, that I didn't eat enough food yesterday and that's saying something considering I'm supposed to be getting about 500 calories a day....so here goes:
5 mini pretzels
1 Liter bottle of Seltzer water
10 French Fries
Handful of mini pretzels on my way through the kitchen
tiny little steak
Calories: I have no idea *L*
Today will be better!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Things are moving right along!
-3.1 pounds (37 lbs total)
I started back to work today! Whoo hoo!! I worked from 8:30am to noon....got home by one and slept from 1 to 6. Tomorrow I will be working from 10 to noon and we'll see if my nap is shorter. *L*
We are back on track with the diet...or lifestyle change as we like to call it. Partly because it's time and I've maintained for far too long....and partly because the new anti-viral medication I'm on makes me queasy and jittery! So it all works together. *L* I've been a bit crafty so I've done a little bit of sewing, and a little bit of crocheting. I managed to get my hair dyed with a fresh coat of hot pink...it was getting pretty faded...and I did my nails. I'm slowly working on a couple of craft swaps, and planning out some costumes for my husband and daughter.
I've mentioned before that my husband and youngest daughter go to an anime convention every year together. It's just something they enjoy and they like that it's "their" time together. However....this year is seems they've decided I should go with them! What? I have nothing to wear!! Damn it....now I have to make myself something! *L* I sew....A LOT....so I am making three costumes for my daughter for that weekend, and my husband has decided to try his hand at a steampunk outfit. He didn't ask for it, but how can I let him go to a convention without something new and cool to wear...so I'm making him a vest and a long coat!
I've decided to wear something steampunk as well. I started a skirt, and ordered a kick ass pattern from Laughing Moon Merchantile for an underbust corset!! Oh how the things I like to wear and do are so varied...so haphazard.....so strange! *L*
I'm going back and forth on making my outfit all browns and burgundys and western-y and zebra print and hot pink.....I'm leaning toward the zebra today...but yesterday it was the western. I better decide soon...the convention is in April!
I'm a big dork...my Dr. Who nails! |
We are back on track with the diet...or lifestyle change as we like to call it. Partly because it's time and I've maintained for far too long....and partly because the new anti-viral medication I'm on makes me queasy and jittery! So it all works together. *L* I've been a bit crafty so I've done a little bit of sewing, and a little bit of crocheting. I managed to get my hair dyed with a fresh coat of hot pink...it was getting pretty faded...and I did my nails. I'm slowly working on a couple of craft swaps, and planning out some costumes for my husband and daughter.
I've mentioned before that my husband and youngest daughter go to an anime convention every year together. It's just something they enjoy and they like that it's "their" time together. However....this year is seems they've decided I should go with them! What? I have nothing to wear!! Damn it....now I have to make myself something! *L* I sew....A LOT....so I am making three costumes for my daughter for that weekend, and my husband has decided to try his hand at a steampunk outfit. He didn't ask for it, but how can I let him go to a convention without something new and cool to wear...so I'm making him a vest and a long coat!
I've decided to wear something steampunk as well. I started a skirt, and ordered a kick ass pattern from Laughing Moon Merchantile for an underbust corset!! Oh how the things I like to wear and do are so varied...so haphazard.....so strange! *L*
I'm going back and forth on making my outfit all browns and burgundys and western-y and zebra print and hot pink.....I'm leaning toward the zebra today...but yesterday it was the western. I better decide soon...the convention is in April!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Oh how things change.
So, here I am...one month out from my little elbow rubbing with Meningitis and Encephalitis. I haven't gone back to work yet.
I feel "wrong". I have no other way to describe it. I find myself staring off into space with my mouth open while my life happens around me. I'm tired. I feel different than I did before this happened. I feel like I should be able to bounce back like I do after a cold. But I feel different. I feel panicked. I feel tired. I feel uninterested.
Like I said, my life is happening around me. My husband is having a conversation with our oldest son about Dungeons and Dragons. My youngest daughter is in my craftroom sewing something...without my help. My 18 year old son went to Spokane for the weekend. My other daughter turned 20 years old today. My life is happening around me.
I haven't seen any friends since the hospital. It happens like that...the emergency is passed so my friends go on with their lives. I should be going on with mine, but I'm not. I sit here in my recliner feeling like crap, watching my life happen without me and feeling like crying all the time.
I don't know how to fix it. I don't know what kind of help to ask for since I don't really know what's wrong.
Here's hoping for some better days.
I feel "wrong". I have no other way to describe it. I find myself staring off into space with my mouth open while my life happens around me. I'm tired. I feel different than I did before this happened. I feel like I should be able to bounce back like I do after a cold. But I feel different. I feel panicked. I feel tired. I feel uninterested.
Like I said, my life is happening around me. My husband is having a conversation with our oldest son about Dungeons and Dragons. My youngest daughter is in my craftroom sewing something...without my help. My 18 year old son went to Spokane for the weekend. My other daughter turned 20 years old today. My life is happening around me.
I haven't seen any friends since the hospital. It happens like that...the emergency is passed so my friends go on with their lives. I should be going on with mine, but I'm not. I sit here in my recliner feeling like crap, watching my life happen without me and feeling like crying all the time.
I don't know how to fix it. I don't know what kind of help to ask for since I don't really know what's wrong.
Here's hoping for some better days.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Things are moving slowly!
I'm starting my third week of anti-viral medication and my third week off work. In theory it sounds great to say I sure wish I could stay home in my jammies and sleep as often as I want....in reality it's booooooring. Not that I'm feeling rushed to get back to work or anything, but the medication schedule is a little trying. I get my meds by PICC line three times a day....6am, 2pm, and 10 pm....every single day. I will be done with that Wednesday night. I'm looking forward to sending my iv pole and pump back to the hospital....I am NOT looking forward to having my PICC line removed. *L*
I've been doing a tiny bit of sewing. Prior to getting sick I had signed up for three craft swaps on Craftster.org. I finished up one swap (mug rugs...so cute....little quilts used as coasters...love them). The second is a post-apocalyptic swap. This one is taking more time than I had anticipated. I am my own worst critic, so several of the projects I'm working on for this have been restarted, taken apart and recrafted. The last swap is a roller derby swap...because I long to be a roller derby girl! *L*
THEN, my husband and daughter are going to an anime convention in April...they go every year. They are trying to talk me into going with. My husband is putting together a steampunk outfit for himself....I told him I'd help by sewing him a coat and a vest. My daughter changes her mind every other day on what anime character she'd like to be.
Here's a picture of the costume I made for her last year....
I've been doing a tiny bit of sewing. Prior to getting sick I had signed up for three craft swaps on Craftster.org. I finished up one swap (mug rugs...so cute....little quilts used as coasters...love them). The second is a post-apocalyptic swap. This one is taking more time than I had anticipated. I am my own worst critic, so several of the projects I'm working on for this have been restarted, taken apart and recrafted. The last swap is a roller derby swap...because I long to be a roller derby girl! *L*
THEN, my husband and daughter are going to an anime convention in April...they go every year. They are trying to talk me into going with. My husband is putting together a steampunk outfit for himself....I told him I'd help by sewing him a coat and a vest. My daughter changes her mind every other day on what anime character she'd like to be.
Here's a picture of the costume I made for her last year....
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This is what I used as reference |
Poor kid was soo sick, but she'd paid for her convention ticket so she was going to go...no matter WHAT!! |
She wore it all weekend and got her picture taken A LOT! |
Friday, February 18, 2011
What the hell just happened??
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This is what feeling like crap looks like!! |
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I have the best husband EVER!! He painted my toenails so my feet would be pretty! |
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PICC Line...the quickest way to a girls heart! 45 cm of blue tubing |
I don't know what happens now. Everyone keeps asking how I'm feeling and it's so hard to describe. I feel better....better than I did when I was first admitted to the hospital. But I don't feel good. How long is that going to last? My headache is not nearly as bad as it was when this started....but it's still there, sort of hovering at the edges. My eyes ache all the time. I'm exhausted all the time. Doing the smallest thing leads to a 4 hour nap. I can't focus on any one thing. I am living one nap to the next...one dose of meds to the next.
I had a doctors appointment yesterday...my biggest fear was that she wouldn't believe me when I told her all these things. I feel like I should be better...I should be 100%. I feel like I should be bouncing back and my life will go back to normal, like it does after I have a cold. It hasn't and I'm frustrated. So, my doctor decided that, while I am getting better, she would be more comfortable keeping me on the anti-viral medication via IV for one more week. I guess I can live with that.
Your life can be changed drastically and instantly with no warning!! Tell the people you care about that they are important and that you love them as often as you can and don't get caught up in petty meaningless crap...life is very very short!
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Hospital hand puppets. This is what you get to do when you're in isolation! |
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
I have the best husband!!!
My husband and I have been married for 9 years on Valentine's Day. Every single year that we've been married he does a 14 day countdown from the 1st to the 14th. The first year was a card a day, each with a different reason why he loves me and wanted to marry me! He's an artist, so one year I got 14 dragon pictures that he turned into a book for me http://www.lulu.com/product/file-download/a-book-of-dragons/2203036?productTrackingContext=search_results/search_shelf/center/5.
This morning I found this on the dashboard of my car....frozen solid I might add *L*.....
See...BEST husband in the whole world!!
On a completely different topic, my family participates in the SCA, or Society for Creative Anachronism www.sca.org if you're interested. It's a medieval recreation group. Yeah, I know....I'm a big ol' dork! *L*
Anyway...my 18 year old son went to an event this weekend...he got to put on his armor and fight lots and lots and LOTS of really good fighters....he came home with a whole lot of bumps and bruises. This is his favorite one.....
Yup...I actually let my child get hit with sticks...and he likes it!! Loves it in fact!!!
This morning I found this on the dashboard of my car....frozen solid I might add *L*.....
See...BEST husband in the whole world!!
On a completely different topic, my family participates in the SCA, or Society for Creative Anachronism www.sca.org if you're interested. It's a medieval recreation group. Yeah, I know....I'm a big ol' dork! *L*
Anyway...my 18 year old son went to an event this weekend...he got to put on his armor and fight lots and lots and LOTS of really good fighters....he came home with a whole lot of bumps and bruises. This is his favorite one.....
My son is the one in the blue on the right |
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Kenneth...standing in the center....first time on the field |
Saturday, January 29, 2011
I dream of being a roller derby girl!!
I have found my people....they look like me, they talk like me.....they act like me.....they are my people....I just haven't met them yet!!! *L* I am obsessed...and I do mean OBSESSED with roller derby. I want to be on a team....I want to skate!! Unfortunately I live in a very small rural farming town...and they are only interested in the county fair and cowboys. My town has a hard time accepting the bright pink hair, the piercings, and all the tattoos. The closest roller derby team is two hours away...and they are a brand new team! Oh what I wouldn't give to get in on the ground floor of that. I just can't afford to drive two hours several times a week. So I obsess from afar *L*.
My husband bought me a roller derby game for the Wii....not quite the same but I love it anyway!
I work as the office manager for two lawyers...and I found out on Friday that one of them won't be working for the county anymore at the end of April. This will cause my hours to be cut back and I will be losing about a thousand dollars a month. I'm still in a whole lot of shock over that one! I'm not completely sure what I'm going to do. I had been planning on trying to get back to school for hair and nails...but that may be right out with the loss of income! *L* But, life goes on and it will all work out!
My husband bought me a roller derby game for the Wii....not quite the same but I love it anyway!
I work as the office manager for two lawyers...and I found out on Friday that one of them won't be working for the county anymore at the end of April. This will cause my hours to be cut back and I will be losing about a thousand dollars a month. I'm still in a whole lot of shock over that one! I'm not completely sure what I'm going to do. I had been planning on trying to get back to school for hair and nails...but that may be right out with the loss of income! *L* But, life goes on and it will all work out!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Getting older is complicated.....
Yep...I've been away for a while. I've had all sorts of things pop up that need me immediate attention. First and foremost, my husband's dad is sick. He was diagnosed with prostrate cancer a little over a year ago. It's progressing pretty fast so he's in and out of the hospital. So we've trying to help out with that as much as we can, since my husband's mom isn't as young as she used to be.
We've been arguing with my 18 year old son about graduation. Looks like he's going to be able to pull it out in the end, but it's been nothing but a fight to get him to do homework!
I did manage to squeeze in a little arts and crafts time for me. My hubby is a member of Craftster and he was doing a Dungeon's and Dragon's swap....so while he worked on that I crocheted him his very own beholder. Got the pattern here: http://www.theanticraft.com/archive/imbolc08/beholder.htm
I've been plugging away at a shirt I'm modifying but it's been slow going. I have a small attention problem...I start things then think of something else that would be fun to do. *L*
I found a phone case tutorial on Crafster....because you can find all the coolest people making the coolest things there....and since I keep dropping my Droid and breaking the hard cases I keep buying, I thought I'd give this a try...
Super easy to make!!
We've been arguing with my 18 year old son about graduation. Looks like he's going to be able to pull it out in the end, but it's been nothing but a fight to get him to do homework!
I did manage to squeeze in a little arts and crafts time for me. My hubby is a member of Craftster and he was doing a Dungeon's and Dragon's swap....so while he worked on that I crocheted him his very own beholder. Got the pattern here: http://www.theanticraft.com/archive/imbolc08/beholder.htm
His name is Bostwick |
I've been plugging away at a shirt I'm modifying but it's been slow going. I have a small attention problem...I start things then think of something else that would be fun to do. *L*
I found a phone case tutorial on Crafster....because you can find all the coolest people making the coolest things there....and since I keep dropping my Droid and breaking the hard cases I keep buying, I thought I'd give this a try...
Super easy to make!!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Had a long weekend
I got to enjoy a 4 day weekend at home with my family. I did a whole lot of stuff....did my daughters nails (twice because she broke one), dyed her hair purple. My mom came over and I did her nails...first time ever she's had acrylic nails on...she's hooked I think! She stayed for about 4 hours or so just to visit. I hung out with my husband and my son let me use his computer to play Left 4 Dead 2. Boy am I terrible at first person shooter games. However, they are my husbands favorite types of computer games so if I wanna play a game with him, I'm gonna have to brush up on my zombie killing skills. *L* I gave my hubby a shave and a haircut so it looks like someone cares about him now.
I thought I would share a few things from around my house today...so here are 5...count them....5 vaguely interesting things about me....
This is the empty space my 32 inch flat screen used to occupy in my bedroom for the many nights I can't sleep....we had a quick little power surge that knocked to power out for about 5 seconds....it was enough to kill my TV. *sigh*
I have the absolute best husband in the entire world. He puts up with my strange behavior and weird obsessions and loves me still. *L* I got a wild hair one day and decided I simply HAD to paint our master bathroom hot pink....he took me straight to the store for paint!
These are little love notes from my hubby....they are currently stuck to the wall under my bathroom mirror. But originally they were stuck all over the house....under my bathrobe, in the fridge, on my sewing machine...he's the best!! He does this kind of stuff a lot...enough that it makes my friends make retching noises when I tell them about it.....so you'd think I'd be used to it...but I am constantly amazed and how much he loves me and how often he shows me. I ain't kidding around when I say I'm spoiled rotten!!
Though I hate to admit it....this is what my craft room usually looks like!! A huge disaster. The cutting table in the middle there is sort of like the straw game where you have to pull a straw without knocking any others over. There are scissors, pins, clothing projects, nail stuff, glass beads, my husband drawing tablet...pick a thing and I could probably find it on that table!! *L*
And this....this is what my kids call "The Chair of Power"!!! It's mine..no one else is allowed to sit in it but me. My laptop is there, my glasses are there, usually a water bottle, almost always at least one bottle of nail polish. When I'm done working and done crafting....this is where I rule my home from....it's also where I tend to fall asleep if I kick the foot rest up...so I try not to do that to often. My children LOVE to let me know I snore! *L*
I thought I would share a few things from around my house today...so here are 5...count them....5 vaguely interesting things about me....
This is the empty space my 32 inch flat screen used to occupy in my bedroom for the many nights I can't sleep....we had a quick little power surge that knocked to power out for about 5 seconds....it was enough to kill my TV. *sigh*
I have the absolute best husband in the entire world. He puts up with my strange behavior and weird obsessions and loves me still. *L* I got a wild hair one day and decided I simply HAD to paint our master bathroom hot pink....he took me straight to the store for paint!
These are little love notes from my hubby....they are currently stuck to the wall under my bathroom mirror. But originally they were stuck all over the house....under my bathrobe, in the fridge, on my sewing machine...he's the best!! He does this kind of stuff a lot...enough that it makes my friends make retching noises when I tell them about it.....so you'd think I'd be used to it...but I am constantly amazed and how much he loves me and how often he shows me. I ain't kidding around when I say I'm spoiled rotten!!
Though I hate to admit it....this is what my craft room usually looks like!! A huge disaster. The cutting table in the middle there is sort of like the straw game where you have to pull a straw without knocking any others over. There are scissors, pins, clothing projects, nail stuff, glass beads, my husband drawing tablet...pick a thing and I could probably find it on that table!! *L*
And this....this is what my kids call "The Chair of Power"!!! It's mine..no one else is allowed to sit in it but me. My laptop is there, my glasses are there, usually a water bottle, almost always at least one bottle of nail polish. When I'm done working and done crafting....this is where I rule my home from....it's also where I tend to fall asleep if I kick the foot rest up...so I try not to do that to often. My children LOVE to let me know I snore! *L*
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I had nothing to add yesterday!
So it would seem that blogging everyday just isn't in the cards for me. It's not that I don't aspire to writing every day...it's just that some days I have nothing of value to talk about.
However, I did get some more sewing in yesterday. I came across a website about repurposing, revamping, reconditioning your wardrobe. It's a group of people who have promised themselves they won't buy anything new until they can and will wear everything in their closet. I think I can do that! I have a closet and dresser full of clothes that sort of fit, that I sort of like, that I don't like at all but I paid good money for. So, I pulled out everything that I refuse to wear for whatever reason and started cutting last night! I've always been a fan of making something usable out of something I already own, so that was easy enough.
Let me first start by saying that I am in love with my duct tape dress dummy. This was the second time I've gotten to use her, and the first time I've used her for a recon. If you don't have a dress dummy...get one, make one, steal one....they are soooo worth it!! Mine now has a pink name tag placed by my 18-year-old son that says Hi, my name is Mom. He tells his friends I made it so that he would have something to hug when I'm not around *L*. He says he'd like to take her with him when he moves out this summer so he won't miss me so much.
Ok, so onto the new shirt...here is the first in a long line of things I will be revamping. It started out as a long sleeved button up..I don't wear it as it way too big and sort of frumpy:
It has now become a cute little blouse that I will totally wear...in fact, I am wearing it right now!!
A close up of some of the details. I already had the skully fabric in my huge stash!! If it's pink and has skullies or bows I buy it!!
I was going for a bowling-esque shirt...didn't turn out exactly as I pictured it in my mind...but they almost never do. *L* I have a tiny bit of tweaking to do still. I want to shorten it up a bit...it's still kinda frumpy long, and I got a little chop happy with the neckline and it shows a bit too much boobage. So I'm gonna add a little skully panel to fix that....But I would say it is now a wearable article of clothing for my closet....
However, I did get some more sewing in yesterday. I came across a website about repurposing, revamping, reconditioning your wardrobe. It's a group of people who have promised themselves they won't buy anything new until they can and will wear everything in their closet. I think I can do that! I have a closet and dresser full of clothes that sort of fit, that I sort of like, that I don't like at all but I paid good money for. So, I pulled out everything that I refuse to wear for whatever reason and started cutting last night! I've always been a fan of making something usable out of something I already own, so that was easy enough.
Let me first start by saying that I am in love with my duct tape dress dummy. This was the second time I've gotten to use her, and the first time I've used her for a recon. If you don't have a dress dummy...get one, make one, steal one....they are soooo worth it!! Mine now has a pink name tag placed by my 18-year-old son that says Hi, my name is Mom. He tells his friends I made it so that he would have something to hug when I'm not around *L*. He says he'd like to take her with him when he moves out this summer so he won't miss me so much.
Ok, so onto the new shirt...here is the first in a long line of things I will be revamping. It started out as a long sleeved button up..I don't wear it as it way too big and sort of frumpy:
It has now become a cute little blouse that I will totally wear...in fact, I am wearing it right now!!
A close up of some of the details. I already had the skully fabric in my huge stash!! If it's pink and has skullies or bows I buy it!!
I was going for a bowling-esque shirt...didn't turn out exactly as I pictured it in my mind...but they almost never do. *L* I have a tiny bit of tweaking to do still. I want to shorten it up a bit...it's still kinda frumpy long, and I got a little chop happy with the neckline and it shows a bit too much boobage. So I'm gonna add a little skully panel to fix that....But I would say it is now a wearable article of clothing for my closet....
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Overalls are a GO!!
I have been obsessing over trying to make a pair of 1940's style overalls...seemed like they'd be comfy and flattering to my ... um ... more rubenesque figure. Sadly, I couldn't use a vintage pattern, for several reasons. Can't afford to purchase one, and I'm pretty sure that once I bought one I wouldn't be able to bring myself to cut it up. *L* And, finally, those girls in the 40's where a bit skinnier than I am so I would have to do some major modifications. So, in true Trixie fashion I morphed a couple of other patterns into what I was looking for.
Using Betty the dress dummy is AWESOME...why I never made one of those before is a mystery. It made sizing so much easier! She's not quite as "soft" as I am, but what a great tool to have!
My husband got me a book for Christmas called Sewing for Plus Size by Barbara Deck. What a great book.
She shows you how to correctly alter patterns to fit us bigger gals. I tried my hand at moving the darts on the front of my overalls and wouldn't you know it....it worked! *L* So, it would seem that my sewing skills are advancing again just by using the right tools and information....who knew??
I had a few hiccups with the overalls...this is the second incarnation of them. I buggered the zipper a bit and my next pair will have a slightly longer crotch....but they're really comfy, I look sorta dressy while still being able to wear overalls. So great!
Hubby and I went searching junk stores yesterday. I love second hand stores...you find the best stuff for very little money. I have a bad habit of buying way too much stuff though, because I look at things with a slightly different eye than most. I look for fabric prints and textures that I love because I know that I can modify it into something I will wear and/or that will fit. I managed to get away from our shopping trip with two pairs of shoes, one pink plaid shirt and a lavender twin set.
I am most proud of my shoe finds. The first pair was a black modern take on a vintage oxford. I LOVE them and I only paid 3 bucks for them! My second find...and probably the coolest, was a pair of maryjane style Keens! I have been trying to figure out a way I could score a pair of those, but they're 85 dollar shoes...just couldn't justify it. However, I found a brand new pair at the second hand store for $1.50. SCORE!!
I'm going to modify the pink plaid into something a little more form fitting and rockabilly....it's a 5X long sleeved button up....lots of fabric...I can do something with that so check back!
Using Betty the dress dummy is AWESOME...why I never made one of those before is a mystery. It made sizing so much easier! She's not quite as "soft" as I am, but what a great tool to have!
My husband got me a book for Christmas called Sewing for Plus Size by Barbara Deck. What a great book.
She shows you how to correctly alter patterns to fit us bigger gals. I tried my hand at moving the darts on the front of my overalls and wouldn't you know it....it worked! *L* So, it would seem that my sewing skills are advancing again just by using the right tools and information....who knew??
I had a few hiccups with the overalls...this is the second incarnation of them. I buggered the zipper a bit and my next pair will have a slightly longer crotch....but they're really comfy, I look sorta dressy while still being able to wear overalls. So great!
Hubby and I went searching junk stores yesterday. I love second hand stores...you find the best stuff for very little money. I have a bad habit of buying way too much stuff though, because I look at things with a slightly different eye than most. I look for fabric prints and textures that I love because I know that I can modify it into something I will wear and/or that will fit. I managed to get away from our shopping trip with two pairs of shoes, one pink plaid shirt and a lavender twin set.
I'm going to modify the pink plaid into something a little more form fitting and rockabilly....it's a 5X long sleeved button up....lots of fabric...I can do something with that so check back!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Day 7 - Trixie's back baby!!
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No makeup and pink hair! |
I have gone and done it...I dyed my hair pink and black....AGAIN!! Whoo Hoo!!
I'm having a "down" kind of day. Not sure what the deal is...nothing happened...had a pretty mellow day. I was a bit productive. I slept until 10...because I'm spoiled and I don't work on Fridays. I got up and worked on my overalls. Betty the dress form, had her first job today of sizing my overalls. She's currently wearing a blouse I'm working on. The overalls are coming together great! Soon, very soon there will be pictures of me wearing them.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Day 5...I am addicted to nail art!!
There..I said it...out loud...in a public-ish forum!! I am addicted to nail art. I've worn freakishly long acrylic nails for years. Paid out the nose for them too. Then it occurred to me one day that I could do them myself...how hard could it be? *L* So I've been doing my own nails for about 6 or 7 years! It's way cheaper and I don't have to explain to the lady that YES I do want them that long....and YES I can function properly with them that long....and YES I can type, tie my shoes, put on jewelry and open pop cans with them that long!! *L*
My thoughts on it is...the longer, the flashier, the trashier, the brighter the better!!! And since no one in the small town I live in is willing to do my nails the way I want them I started hand painting them myself!!
The only downside is that my friends and daughters now want their nails done all the time...so I suffer from burn out from time to time which means that my own nail maintenance falls to the wayside.
Pictures of nails past:
My thoughts on it is...the longer, the flashier, the trashier, the brighter the better!!! And since no one in the small town I live in is willing to do my nails the way I want them I started hand painting them myself!!
The only downside is that my friends and daughters now want their nails done all the time...so I suffer from burn out from time to time which means that my own nail maintenance falls to the wayside.
Pictures of nails past:
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Oops...missed a day!
So I missed a day of blogging already!! Dang it....and it was partly my fault partly the fault of the building I work in. The heat was out in my office for two days making for a very miserable Trixie!! My boss sent me to buy space heaters so we could at least function...so $100 later I was huddled in front of my brand new desk heater...which ran for approximately 3 minutes before knocking out the power to only my office! This effectively killed the phone system, knocked out the internet, and shut down my computer and printer! Took them an hour to find the breaker box. Finally, power gets turned back on...me huddled in front of my desk heater again...tried to print something...BANG...no power again! This time there isn't anyone in the building with the key to the breaker box so I got to go home an hour early!! I haven't been doing any sewing or crafty stuff as I've been coming home and bundling up in my chair with a blanket and warm socks and trying to bribe the dogs to lay on my feet!!
This morning we have power AND heat!! Whoo hoo!!
I did manage to get my daughters acrylic nails on yesterday. I'm going to finish painting them tonight...since my girl has a love of long trashy nails just like her momma!! I have two people asking to get their nails done as well....perhaps I should start to charge for this stuff!!
I got a bonus from one of my bosses for christmas so I bought myself a pretty new bauble!! It's hard to tell in the picture but the stones are pink!! I am obsessed with pink! I have a beautiful wedding set, gold...diamonds, but I've been feeling that Trixie should wear something big and flashy.....and pink! *L*
This morning we have power AND heat!! Whoo hoo!!
I did manage to get my daughters acrylic nails on yesterday. I'm going to finish painting them tonight...since my girl has a love of long trashy nails just like her momma!! I have two people asking to get their nails done as well....perhaps I should start to charge for this stuff!!
I got a bonus from one of my bosses for christmas so I bought myself a pretty new bauble!! It's hard to tell in the picture but the stones are pink!! I am obsessed with pink! I have a beautiful wedding set, gold...diamonds, but I've been feeling that Trixie should wear something big and flashy.....and pink! *L*
My Christmas present to me!!! |
Monday, January 3, 2011
Day 3...Watch out for that holiday poundage!!
So we are back on track with our "lifestyle change". We've opted to NOT call it a diet *L*. I gained a whopping 10.8 pounds over the holidays. DAMN!! Not gonna beat myself up though....them were some darn good cookies!!
Not a whole lot going on at the moment. First day back to work for the new year and we showed up to a broken boiler. Our office is in the upstairs of a post office...a historic building built in I think 1910...it would seem the boiler is just as old. The office is a balmy 42 degrees!! We're all sitting around with runny noses and our coats on!! My boss keeps referring to everyone as "my comrade" then went out and purchased two egg rolls from the gas station hot case to keep in his pockets to warm his hands! *L*
Not a whole lot going on at the moment. First day back to work for the new year and we showed up to a broken boiler. Our office is in the upstairs of a post office...a historic building built in I think 1910...it would seem the boiler is just as old. The office is a balmy 42 degrees!! We're all sitting around with runny noses and our coats on!! My boss keeps referring to everyone as "my comrade" then went out and purchased two egg rolls from the gas station hot case to keep in his pockets to warm his hands! *L*
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Day 2...so lazy!!
I accomplished about nothing today. I did manage to get part of the sewing room picked up and I tightened up and replaced my friend Polly's hair extensions. That's about it. My neck is still out so I'm not really able to do much. Tomorrow will be a better day!
I think I'll call it a night early, take some Aleve and go to bed and watch some tv!
I think I'll call it a night early, take some Aleve and go to bed and watch some tv!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
365 Project....and we're off....
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All dolled up for New Years |
My duct tape dummy, Betty, is all finished. So tomorrow I will tidy the sewing room and begin my projects!!
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