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Saturday, January 29, 2011

I dream of being a roller derby girl!!

I have found my people....they look like me, they talk like me.....they act like me.....they are my people....I just haven't met them yet!!!  *L*  I am obsessed...and I do mean OBSESSED with roller derby.  I want to be on a team....I want to skate!!  Unfortunately I live in a very small rural farming town...and they are only interested in the county fair and cowboys.  My town has a hard time accepting the bright pink hair, the piercings, and all the tattoos.  The closest roller derby team is two hours away...and they are a brand new team!  Oh what I wouldn't give to get in on the ground floor of that.  I just can't afford to drive two hours several times a week.  So I obsess from afar *L*.
My husband bought me a roller derby game for the Wii....not quite the same but I love it anyway!

I work as the office manager for two lawyers...and I found out on Friday that one of them won't be working for the county anymore at the end of April.  This will cause my hours to be cut back and I will be losing about a thousand dollars a month.  I'm still in a whole lot of shock over that one!  I'm not completely sure what I'm going to do.  I had been planning on trying to get back to school for hair and nails...but that may be right out with the loss of income!  *L*  But, life goes on and it will all work out!


  1. make your own roller derby gang..aww I hope it all works out for you huni.

  2. did you see the CSI miami episode last week with the roller derby? OMG, you MUST see!
